All-Russia Exhibition 1896

The All-Russia industrial and art exhibition 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod was held from May 28 (June 9) till October 1 (13), 1896. The 1896 exhibition was the biggest pre-revolution exhibition in Russian Empire and was organized with the money allotted by Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia. The All-Russia industrial conference was held together with the exhibition. The exhibition demonstrated the best achievements of the industrial development in Russia that began in the latter part of the 19th century:

The suburb of Kanavino, on the left bank of Oka River, was chosen as the place for the exhibition. It occupied the territory of around 84 hectares within a few hundreds meters southwest of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. Nearly 70 buildings and constructions were built in Nizhny Novgorod and at the exhibition with the money allotted by the Nicholas II Emperor of Russia. Also, more than 120 pavilions of private companies were built on the territory of the exhibition.

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